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Unmatched leadership in road marking and signage

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Our services

At Scelltech, we are known for our expertise in various vertical traffic signs, line marking, road maintenance and high-end floor finish services. We help general contractors, property managers and municipal road network managers finding complete solutions best suited to their requests of any kind.

In addition to identifying your exact needs for any of the services we provide, we assess the work site to ensure our workers and users’ safety throughout the job.

See our services

A team of passionate and committed experts!

Proud to provide specialized services for 30 years

Although things have changed in 30 years of business, we never took our eyes off our main objective: completing superior quality projects to fully satisfy our customers. All our services ensure great reliability due to our team’s strong will to continually grow and exceed their limits by reaching higher results every day, acquiring new knowledge and driving innovation.

Reliable services, timeliness and turnkey solutions also mean we can count on strong partnerships and trusted relationships with our customers.

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